Saturday, August 4, 2007



Some 18,000 children die every day because of hunger and malnutrition; and 850 million people go to bed every night with empty stomachs, a "terrible indictment of the world in 2007," the head of the U.N. food agency said.

HAMPTON BAYS, N. Y. (Feb. 17) - The partially mummified body of a man dead for more than a year has been found in a chair in front of his television, which was still on, authorities said

WILMINGTON, DE - Homeless man freezes to death under bridge.

With headlines and stories like these, why do we feel the need to know the reason(s) Ms. Spears shaved her head? Shouldn't we be concerned with feeding those whom are starving to death, housing those whom are freezing to death? What is wrong with us? We are more concerned with the gossip surrounding Ms. Lohan than our own children and what they are doing on a daily basis.


And while we are imprisoning innocents, we release terrorists on technicalities? We punish the parent stealing food for their hungry children or clothes to warm them, we punish the parent who leaves their child/children at home alone in order to provide for their needs - Lord knows, there's little to no resources in place for many Americans, whether at the Federal, State or Local levels; yet, we have billions to fund foreign aide and wars!

When will we wake up and realize what we are doing to each other?

Unless we start taking responsibility, in a broad sense and across the board, we are doomed to self-destruct. Politicians keep making more and more stupid laws - and for what? Our prison system is already overloaded. By nature, we must test the boundaries of society. And, while we must have laws to prevent total chaos, why do we keep making laws that we know are impossible to live up to?

Right now there's big money to be made in opposition to cigarette smoking. We want to control if someone smokes in their own homes, or in parking lots, or where-ever. Why aren't we concerned with all the toxins being pumped into our air daily? Multimillion dollar corporations destroy the air we need to breath to live so they can make a few extra dollars profit. And, we worry about cigarette smoke? It's a multimillion dollar corporation making the darn things. If cigarette smoke is a concern - STOP the manufacturers. And while you are at it, DO something about the toxins - the real toxins being produced.


We have passed our responsibility to Politicians and other Power-hungry mongers. They know that we are too self-involved to admit - By handing over responsibility to politicians, they have power that goes unchallenged. Fearing not, because they know - in the end, we are too self-involved to get involved. Basically, we allow them to do whatever they want, without challenge. And, only when it affects us personally - in a negative way - do we want to whine about how things are being done. We, otherwise, consider the problem as being the 'other' guy's problem. HELLO - NEWSFLASH: We are the other guy!

Everyone wants to cry about how difficult it is to go up against the 'Big Guys' or say you can't fight the Government. Well, that's just plain BS and a cop-out. We see every so often, that rare individual who is willing to speak up for what they believe in or fight against injustices. There is only failure when there is NO ATTEMPT or EFFORT to change things for the better.

BE FOREWARNED: We are on a downhill spiral, out of control, with no hope - if we don't take responsibility NOW! Prepare yourselves for more natural disasters, manmade disasters, more incidents of inhumane treatment towards each other, more prisons, and every other negative thing you can think of - to multiply One Hundred fold! Unless, we start taking responsibility for the world we live in and the situations we create.


I, myself, am a single mother and sole caregiver of a disabled child and disabled parent. I have never received child support, although my ex is more than capable of paying. I struggle daily to maintain a home for us, from yard maintenance to necessary repairs around the house - plumbing, carpentry - you name it. Everything from running errands, grocery shopping, weekly doctor appointments and anything or everything else that needs to be done - rests on my shoulders - in addition to working a job.

If I can find the time to be a responsible part of society, anyone can - if they CHOOSE to do so. Life gives us choices in everything. We might not always like our choices, but we still have a choice. It's how we make those choices that effect the outcomes.

There are basically two types of people in this world - 1) Those who are part of the solution or 2) Those who are part of the problem.

Which type are you?

CAUTION: For the majority of our population - it is advised that you be seated before you answer this question.

PS. If I have offended you in what I have said - there is no need to bother asking this question of yourself - it has already been answered. Won't you make the decision to become type 1 NOW?