Saturday, August 4, 2007


And while we are imprisoning innocents, we release terrorists on technicalities? We punish the parent stealing food for their hungry children or clothes to warm them, we punish the parent who leaves their child/children at home alone in order to provide for their needs - Lord knows, there's little to no resources in place for many Americans, whether at the Federal, State or Local levels; yet, we have billions to fund foreign aide and wars!

When will we wake up and realize what we are doing to each other?

Unless we start taking responsibility, in a broad sense and across the board, we are doomed to self-destruct. Politicians keep making more and more stupid laws - and for what? Our prison system is already overloaded. By nature, we must test the boundaries of society. And, while we must have laws to prevent total chaos, why do we keep making laws that we know are impossible to live up to?

Right now there's big money to be made in opposition to cigarette smoking. We want to control if someone smokes in their own homes, or in parking lots, or where-ever. Why aren't we concerned with all the toxins being pumped into our air daily? Multimillion dollar corporations destroy the air we need to breath to live so they can make a few extra dollars profit. And, we worry about cigarette smoke? It's a multimillion dollar corporation making the darn things. If cigarette smoke is a concern - STOP the manufacturers. And while you are at it, DO something about the toxins - the real toxins being produced.

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